Before and After Pictures
Pictures really do speak 1000 words!

5th July 2022
29th December 2022
They say a picture say a 1000 words and that couldn't be more true !! Just look at the changes in this beautiful 2 year old colt Doublehaich Excelled in a little over 5 months. The left photo was taken on the 5th of July and the right photo is from the 29th of December.
Doublehaich Stud uses only the best for our horses and EquinePro is by far the best we have found yet. Great for weight gain and conditioning from young to older horses. In this picture is Doublehaich Spin King who was been prepared for the FOY ASH Sale. This is a 6-week transformation

Back on the 5th of January 2023 a customer came to our door looking for something to feed their 34 year old horse who was in a very bad way. He had stopped eating and had essentially given up on life and his owner was looking to try one last thing before having to make the heart wrenching decision to let him go.
Fast forward today and this beautiful boy has a new lease on life. His favourite time of the day is feed time, where he will gallop up to his bucket, pig rooting. He has filled out and is as shinny as ever
We started him off with 2kg of our EquinePro FibreRite pallet and a 1kg of Equine Steam Rolled Barley with Molasses per day. He has now dropped back to 1kg of the EquinePro FibreRite, 1kg of Steam Rolled Barley and some oaten and lucerne chaff.
As seen here in this 2yo Quarter Horse Gelding. He had only been on Developer for approx 2 weeks in-between these photos.

August 2022

Look at the incredible difference in this beautiful boy in just 6 months. The left photo was taken at the end of his race career and the right photo is after a 6 month spell being feed EquinePro. Look at how much he has filled out and how shine his coat is.
February 2023